Sunday, November 25, 2012

Oologah 11/23/12 Blue Catfish

Took my dad out on a windy day on Oologah. Bait was a little more difficult this morning and had more hookers than chunkers than I would have liked. We decided to hit a few areas I had been eying looking at navionics on my phone during a Thanksgiving day coma. Got there and the lake was getting a little dicey. Anchored up, caught a few small ones, and bam the north wind really started gusting taking a few over the bow. Time to head to an area a little more protected. Graphed for about an hour and found what I was looking for...broken up bait with blues around them on the 2d and on both sides with the side scan. Anchored up and for the next 2 hours we flat wore them out. Dad set a banana on my seat for a snack as we were baiting rods and I didn't get to eat it for at least an hour. I was cutting bait, netting fish, hooking bait, netting fish, tossing lines out, netting fish, and even reeled in a few myself. Had a blast with my dad and then brought home a few and enjoyed a nice meal with family.
Water temp 54 degrees with a strong NW wind. All fish caught deeper than 25'. I only took one pic today and should have set the video camera.

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