Saturday, December 18, 2010

Ray Roberts 12-18-10

Took the Hughes crew out this morning for blues.  Started out fishing a drop off  from 38 to 72 ft of water.  We caught most of the fish on the shallower part of the drop, but they moved deeper as the morning progressed.  MG had the hot corner of the boat to start the day.

 Then the guys got in on the action.

Water temp was 50-52 and most of the fish were caught between 50 and 72ft of water.  They kept 15 good fish under 10 pounds, released around a dozen in the teens and a 20 pounder.

On the way in we decided to try for some sand bass and ended up catching about 90 in an hour.  Many of them were good magnum sized fish.  We all had on different styles of slabs and chartruese flies from Flies-by-Night.  We caught the fish in 40-44ft of water betwen 2 and 3 in the afternoon.  It was a blast guys, looking forward to the next trip.

Since the fish are deep this time of year you must burp the fish if you are going to release them to live another day.  This is especially true when we are chasing the big blues.  Typically, we have used a piece of 1/2 pvc for this, but last weekend I had to burp some smaller fish because my clients did not want to keep more fish than for dinner.  If a piece of pvc was put down a 4 pound fish the fish would be damaged and bleed.  The purpose of doing this is to relieve their air bladder that becomes bloated and enlarged when brought from deep water.  If they are not burped the fish cannot go down and will eventually die.  So...I looked around the garage and found some hard plastic tubing about the diameter of a pinky finger.  I tried it today on all sizes of fish and it worked great.  I just cut a 2 foot piece.

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