Took repeat customers, James and his father, to Eagle Mountain to do some sand bass catching. First area I graphed nobody was home, so we went to the next area and marked a little bit on the graph and decided to give it a try. James father caught his first double.
Those little marks grew and the fishing got really good until the fog lifted and then they vanished after two hours of catching. Pulled the trolling motor up and headed to another area and same story, marked a little and after catching a few the graph lit up nicely and it was ON!
Took some video on this trip. Youtube will only allow 15 minutes of run time, so this a little bit of the day.
Eagle Mountain Video: White Bass/Sand Bass Slabbing
After that bites slowed, we decided to check out a point and there wasn't much home. Decided to blind cast it out and one fish was caught. We quickly decided to go find another school and headed back to the area we graphed first thing and nobody was home....but this time the graph lit up and it was game time! James and his father are trying to decide when to book there next trip. Thanks guys